An old friend came over from Cheltenham to spend the day with us. We drank a lot of tea, a bottle of wine sitting out in the hobbit house garden, and then did one of the walks from the book, "Oxford on Foot". We went up to Port Meadow which is an ancient grazing ground. There we enjoyed Constable skies, swans, dogs and kites.

The walk took us along a stretch of the Oxford Canal, and then through part of Jericho's back streets. We saw some fine cottage gardens.

And, on the Woodstock Road, some recently graduated students from Somerville College, on their way to the nearest pub.

The walk ended at the parking lot of a doctor's surgery where these stone arches are perched on top of the wall. The guide book says that they mark the place where Beaumont Palace once stood. Richard the Lionheart was born there.

Then, ever gluttons for punishment, we went to see yet another of Shakespeare's comedies, "As You Like It", in Trinity College gardens. It was cold and windy - in the 50s. People were huddled in blankets. The play was awful. It was so bad that it was hilarious. The acting was over the top, and it wasn't at all funny like it should have been. Some of the relationships between the characters were down right spooky. Joy, who is studying at the Shakespeare Institute at Stratford on Avon, declared that it was " a load of bollocks".
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